Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher - A Researcher in International Relations and International Business with a Focus on Security and Political Risks & Economic and Strategic Risks Related to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), International Trade and Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As)

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Honduras, 30 November 2021

Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher’s Academic Blog on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and International Trade: Opportunities versus Risks

Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher - Researcher in International Business with a focus on Risks

In this blog, I focus each time on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and International Trade in a certain country or territory in terms of how Location Factors (Political, Economic, Technological, Ecological, Legal and Cultural) and Entry Modes (e.g. M&As, Export and Greenfield) impact the attractiveness - or vice versa - the risks of FDI and International Trade in the specific country or territory. Still, keep in mind that each risk may lead to an opportunity for resolving problems via suitable FDI and International Trade, while each opportunity for FDI and International Trade may involve risks.

Political Risks: Regime Transformation, Political Instability, Wars, Conflicts, Geopolitical Conflicts, Sanctions, Global Terror, Regional Crises, and Global Crises.

Economic Risks: Economic Instability, Restrictions on FDI and International Trade, Impact of FDI on Labour Markets; International Trade Agreements and Trade Wars

Strategic Risks: Strategic Risks in M&As, Integration in M&As, Cultural Distance, Cultural Openness, Labour Unions in M&As

Honduras - Foreign Direct Investment and International Trade

Key Figures of FDI and International Trade

Foreign direct investment, net inflows (BoP, current US$): $955.10 (Millions) (2019)

Foreign direct investment, net outflows (BoP, current US$): $-130.23 (Millions) (2020)

Exports of goods and services (BoP, current US$): $7,164.13 (Millions) (2019)

Imports of goods and services (BoP, current US$): $11,504.39 (Millions) (2019)

Source: World Bank

Information and Data on FDI and International Trade

Investing in Honduras - International Trade Portal International Trade Portal (lloydsbanktrade.com)

FactSheet_2021_new (unctad.org)

Trade Profile - Honduras - International Trade Portal International Trade Portal (lloydsbanktrade.com)

Honduras - United States Department of State

Macro Data

Honduras | Data (worldbank.org)

Honduras and the IMF

General Information and Political Information

Honduras - The World Factbook (cia.gov)

Honduras country profile - BBC News

Research Papers and Research Books

When corruption is the operating system: the case of Honduras

Rethinking artisan entrepreneurship in a small island: A tale of two chocolatiers in Roatan, Honduras | Emerald Insight

Measuring and Assessing Impacts of Fair Trade for All on farmers, farmworkers and the overall Fair Trade Market System (Honduras). (cgiar.org)

Climate change policies for agricultural sector in Honduras: synergy, trade off and coordination failure among sub-sector and scale (fao.org)

Impacts of Fair Trade-Certified Coffee in Nicaragua,Brazil, Honduras, and Peru: Implications for livelihoods and empowerment of farm workers and independent smallholder producers. (cgiar.org)

Banana cultures: agriculture, consumption, and environmental change in Honduras and the United States

I am destroying the land!: The political ecology of poverty and environmental destruction in Honduras

Bridging social capital theory and practice: Evidence from community-managed water treatment plants in Honduras

Climate change models predict decreases in the range of a microendemic freshwater fish in Honduras | Scientific Reports (nature.com)

Factors associated with seasonal food insecurity among small-scale subsistence farming households in rural Honduras

Public Policy and Politics via Documentaries and in-Depth TV News Programs

Keep in mind that Documentaries and in-Depth TV News programs usually reflect a certain viewpoint. ZRB

Honduras set for first woman president - YouTube

Corruption, violence and instability mar Honduras election - YouTube

Femicide, Part 1: Honduras, one of the most dangerous places to be a woman | ABC News - YouTube

Inside Honduras’ most dangerous gangs - YouTube

Exit Honduras: A climate in crisis | Fault Lines - YouTube

Important History Events

Why History? History shapes the present and future and even may repeat itself. ZRB

The History of Honduras - Thomas M. Leonard - Google Books

Project MUSE - Trouble in Central America: Honduras Unravels (jhu.edu)

The United States, Honduras, and the Crisis in Central America | Donal (taylorfrancis.com)

Honduras: Caudillo politics and military rulers

Socio-environmental conflict, political settlements, and mining governance: A cross-border comparison, El Salvador and Honduras

'Lost city' revealed in jungles of Honduras

Other Issues

Issues that may have indirect effects or long-run effects either on opportunities or risks of FDI and International Trade. ZRB

Organized criminal violence and territorial control: Evidence from northern Honduras

National Bird

Scarlet Macaw

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