Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher - A Researcher in International Relations and International Business with a Focus on Security and Political Risks & Economic and Strategic Risks Related to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), International Trade and Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As)

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Austria, 23 June 2023

Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher’s Academic Blog on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and International Trade: Opportunities versus Risks

Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher - Researcher in Risks for FDI & International Trade

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), International Trade, Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As)

Political Risks: Geopolitical Conflicts, War-Sanctions, Trade War, Political Instability, Regime Transformation, Wars, Coups, Terror, Resistance Movements, Social Unrest, Diplomatic Crises, Regional Crises, Risks for World War.

Economic Risks: Global Economic Crises, War-Sanctions, Trade War, Restrictions on FDI and International Trade, Risks in International Trade Agreements, Economic Instability, Recession, Slowdown, Unemployment, Inflation, Technology Change, Global Warming.

Strategic Risks: Risks of Entry Modes, Strategic Risks at the Firm Level, Integration Risks in M&As, Religion Distance, Cultural Distance, Labour Unions in M&As.

In this blog, I focus each time on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and International Trade in a certain country or territory in terms of how Location Factors (Political, Economic, Technological, Ecological, Legal and Cultural) and Entry Modes (e.g. M&As, Export and Greenfield) impact the attractiveness - or vice versa - the risks of FDI and International Trade in the specific country or territory. Still, keep in mind that each risk may lead to an opportunity for resolving problems via suitable FDI and International Trade, while each opportunity for FDI and International Trade may involve risks.

Austria -FDI and International Trade

Canillo, Andorra

Key Indicators

For the Geopolitical Position of the Country, Please see USA Coalition versus Russia-China Coalition https://www.rozen-bakher.com/monitoring-risks/12/02/2023

For the Global Survival Rank of Dr. Rozen-Bakher, Please see Global Survival Rank: USA Coalition versus Russia-China Coalition https://www.rozen-bakher.com/monitoring-risks/29/04/2023

Key Figures of FDI and International Trade


Information and Data

Each source represents its viewpoint. ZRB

Austria and the IMF

Austria - The World Factbook (cia.gov)

Austria country profile - BBC News

Research Papers and Research Books

A review of hydropower in Austria: Past, present and future development - ScienceDirect

Bioenergy technologies, uses, market and future trends with Austria as a case study - ScienceDirect

Effects of extreme events on land-use-related decisions of farmers in Eastern Austria: the role of learning | SpringerLink

Sustainable hydrogen society – Vision, findings and development of a hydrogen economy using the example of Austria - ScienceDirect

Tourism mobility and climate change - A review of the situation in Austria - ScienceDirect

Tourist accommodation, climate change and mitigation: An assessment for Austria - ScienceDirect

Climate change and winter outdoor activities in Austria - ScienceDirect

Practical necessity and legal options for introducing energy regulatory sandboxes in Austria - ScienceDirect

Austria: Out Of The Shadow Of The Past - Anton Pelinka - Google Books

Full article: Symbolic struggles over solidarity in times of crisis: trade unions, civil society actors and the political far right in Austria (tandfonline.com)

Public Policy and Politics via Documentaries and in-Depth TV News Programs

Keep in mind that Documentaries and in-Depth TV News programs usually reflect a certain viewpoint. ZRB

Austria's Operation Luxor: Anti-terrorism or Islamophobia? | Al Jazeera World Documentary - YouTube

Important History Events

Why History? History shapes the present and future and even may repeat itself. ZRB

The Haider Phenomenon in Austria - Google Books

Austria 1918–1972 - Elisabeth Barker - Google Books

Modern Austria: Empire and Republic, 1815-1986 - Barbara Jelavich - Google Books

Austria | 5 | Fascism in Europe | K. R. Stadler | Taylor & Francis eBo (taylorfrancis.com)

Was Austria the First Victim? Nazism in Austrian History Teaching | SpringerLink

Other Issues

Issues that may have indirect effects or long-run effects either on opportunities or risks of FDI and International Trade. ZRB

'Everyone smokes': The biggest culture shocks of moving to Austria - The Local

Austria Tumbles in Gender Equality Index - Vindobona.org | Vienna International News

National Flower

Dr. Rozen-Bakher’s Academic Blog on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and International Trade

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