Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher - A Researcher in International Relations and International Business with a Focus on Security and Political Risks & Economic and Strategic Risks Related to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), International Trade and Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As)

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Capitalism vs. Socialism vs. Communism

Published 6 July 2021. Latest Update 13 December 2021

Global Risks by Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

Global Risks aims to Stimulate Thinking ‘Out of the Box’ about Ongoing Global Problems that have no clear Solutions.

Do we need a new economic system for the recreation of global prosperity?

We have today three main economic frameworks: Capitalism, Socialism and Communism, yet each of them has problems.

Capitalism - It seems perfect, yet the homelessness phenomenon in the USA may tell a different story about the success of this economic framework, or we should distinguish between Capitalism and Pig-Capitalism. A healthy Capitalism is based on a Large Middle Class, while Pig-Capitalism is based on 'For the Few and not for the Many'.

Socialism - Socialism is based on ‘For the Many and not for the Few’, such as Portugal, still, is it hinder the competitive advantages of a country due to the massive regulation?

Communism - Communism is based on ‘The Same for All’ without Political Rights, so no one in the Western world would like to live without political freedom, yet is it possible to feed 1.5 trillion people under the capitalist system? How many homeless would be in China under capitalism?

Discussion on this Topic in the Research Literature

Socialism Without Growth: Capitalism Nature Socialism: Vol 30, No 2 (tandfonline.com)

Socialism, capitalism, or Chinism? | Communist and Post-Communist Studies | University of California Press (ucpress.edu)

Markets in the Name of Socialism (degruyter.com)

Socialism and the Market: Returning to the East European Debate: New Political Economy: Vol 0, No 0 (tandfonline.com)

Debunking Utopia: Exposing the Myth of Nordic Socialism - Nima Sanandaji - Google Books

Capitalism, Socialism and Ideology in China: An Alternative Historical Materialist Analysis | Science & Society (guilfordjournals.com)

Communism or Neo-Feudalism?: New Political Science: Vol 42, No 1 (tandfonline.com)

Between communism and capitalism: long-term inequality in Poland, 1892–2015 | SpringerLink

Project MUSE - China: Totalitarianism's Long Shadow (jhu.edu)

Does communist party membership bring a wage premium in China? a meta-analysis: Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies: Vol 19, No 1 (tandfonline.com)

Kornai on the affinity of systems: Is China today an illiberal capitalist system or a communist dictatorship? | SpringerLink

Compassionate revanchism: The blurry geography of homelessness in the USA - Brian Hennigan, Jessie Speer, 2019 (sagepub.com)

Class Monopoly Rent, Property Relations, and Portland’s Homeless Crisis: Urban Geography: Vol 0, No 0 (tandfonline.com)

Latest News about this Topic

Majority of young adults in US hold negative view of capitalism: poll (msn.com)

Capitalism Makes Us Better Off in Wealth and Safety (dailysignal.com)

Why Capitalism Sucks - CounterPunch.org

‘It’s about capitalism working for people’ (msnbc.com)

Two Wrongs Won’t Right Woke Capitalism (msn.com)

Biden Says Competition Order to Restore ‘Heart’ of Capitalism - Bloomberg

Socialism, Capitalism, and Candidates: Updating Attitudes (forbes.com)

Socialism is on the rise in the UK - we need radical free-market solutions to issues like the housing crisis to fight it (msn.com)

Does Socialism Have a PR Problem? - CounterPunch.org

The socialism versus capitalism debate needs more minority voices – Whittier Daily News

Americans are soundly rejecting Biden's radical socialism - Washington Times

Americans Are More Open to Socialism Than Ever (jacobinmag.com)

Educator warns: Public schools teach our kids to embrace socialism — and it’s working | The College Fix

Republican who called ‘cancel culture’ communism wants professor fired for teaching critical race theory (yahoo.com)

Communism Is Greater Threat — The Patriot Post

Nebraska Gov. Ricketts calls out China, warns leftists in declaring Victims of Communism Month (msn.com)

Elayne Clift: It’s important to understand what socialism is — and is not - VTDigger

Where Have All the Economists Gone? (Socialism) by John C. Goodman (townhall.com)

'Socialism' is often a handy term for propagandists | Opinion (palmbeachpost.com)

100 Years of Chinese Communism - WSJ

The economic fundamentals of Chinese communism’s successes and failures (kathmandupost.com)

China's Xi Jinping Tells Party Members Marxism, Socialism Should Be 'Life's Purposes' (msn.com)

Why I like socialism? - CGTN

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