Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher - A Researcher in International Relations and International Business with a Focus on Security and Political Risks & Economic and Strategic Risks Related to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), International Trade and Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As)

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Russian War-Culture: Historical Perspective


Published Date: 08 January 2023 at 04:29

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08 January 2023 at 04:29. Since the start of the war, the West plays with the wishful thinking that a coup will lead to the fall of Putin in Russia, and now, due to the Russian death toll. If we look at the Russian concept from a historical perspective (Russia was the headquarter of the Soviet Union), then Russia is the only country in Europe that succeeded to stop the Nazis' invasion, yet with the highest death toll in WWII. Denmark surrendered after around 3 hours, while the Netherlands after around 3 days, but Russia fought against the Nazis, city by city, street by street, and because of that, the Russian death toll includes 11 million soldiers and 13 million civilians. Everyone remembered the 6 million Jews that were extinct by the Nazis in horrifying ways and indeed we should remember it, yet Russia paid double death toll with 13 civilians to stop the Nazis, regardless of 11 million soldiers. Hence, when the Russian leaders said that if Ukraine will not compromise with Russian conditions, the Russian army will get it, then Ukraine should assume that is what going to happen even if the price for Russia will be high. Therefore, my prediction is that Russia will not end the war until its defence objectives will be achieved. We should remember that from the Russian viewpoint, it’s a military operation, so we still have a long road that may include a declaration of war and general mobilization if the Russian army will need it to achieve the Russian defence objectives, so it’s pointless for the West to play with wishful thinking.
