Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher - A Researcher in International Relations and International Business with a Focus on Security and Political Risks & Economic and Strategic Risks Related to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), International Trade and Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As)

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NATO in the 20th-Century Style

Risks Timeline by Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

Comments on Contemporary Risks by Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

From other Research Activities of Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher:

Monitoring Risks by Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher: Analysing Risks in-Depth of Political Risks, Economic Risks, and Strategic Risks

Global Risks by Dr. Rozen-Bakher: Stimulating Thinking ‘Out of the Box’ on Ongoing Global Problems that have no Clear Solutions

Dr. Rozen-Bakher’s Blog on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and International Trade to Identify Risks versus Opportunities

Dr. Rozen-Bakher’s Twitter Lists and Twitter Hashtags to Identify Risks for FDI and International Trade

13 June 2023 at 16:28. Everyone that knows me, knows that I really like to watch military aeroplanes and music of the 1970s-1990s, yet I am sorry that I need to spoil the ‘Jet-Celebration’ of NATO. Why? Because we are in the 21th-Century when wars transform from Jets and Tanks into Drones and Missiles. To make the story short on this busy day, then in the 21th-Century, the Front Line becomes the Back Line, while the Back Line becomes the Front Line. In other words, in wars in the 21th-Century, the civilians become the Front Line, while the soldiers become the Back Line because the Drones and Missiles pass above them until they hit the cities. Hence, under this transformation, it’s more important to practice how the army tries to stop Drones and Missile attacks and handle damage in civilian areas, rather than to practice Jet Drills in the style of the 20th-Century.

Nevertheless, the problem with NATO is not ended in the ‘Jet-Celebration’, but with additional critical mistakes:

  • Miscalculation of the ability of Ukraine to win the war against Russia.

  • Creating a Military Alliance that has too many weak countries compared to the share of the strong countries.

  • Take a big Risk with too low of ammunition amid the Gifts to Ukraine.

  • And now, making joint military drills that don’t fit the reality of wars in the 21th-Century.

NATO list - Dr. Rozen-Bakher’s Twitter Lists and Hashtags to Identify Risks for FDI and International Trade

NATO Hashtag - Dr. Rozen-Bakher’s Twitter Lists and Hashtags to Identify Risks for FDI and International Trade

Global Survival Rank in WWIII: USA Coalition versus Russia-China Coalition — Monitoring Risks by Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher https://www.rozen-bakher.com/monitoring-risks/29/04/2023

NATO's largest-ever air force drill sends message to Russia | Fox News

Global Survival Rank in WWIII: USA Coalition versus Russia-China Coalition

Global Survival Rank in WWIII: USA Coalition versus Russia-China Coalition