Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher - A Researcher in International Relations and International Business with a Focus on Security and Political Risks & Economic and Strategic Risks Related to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), International Trade and Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As)

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Israeli Democratic Revolution by IDF

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24 March 2023 at 09:18. Is it possible that Israel will reach the point of a civil war? My answer is YES, yet we should distinguish between two potential civil wars in Israel. The first one that we already can see its signs is the conflict between the Jewish Democrat Division that opposes the attempt of Netanyahu to transform Israel into an Autocratic country and the far-right division that would like no limit in its ability to control Israel including the annexation of West Bank without any legal restrictions in their actions. The second one is related to the Palestinian conflict, which paradoxically may integrate with the first one if Netanyahu's government will succeed with its objectives. Even now, the Israeli Arab Division and the Israeli Jewish Democratic Division work together to stop the attempt of Netanyahu to become an autocratic leader, yet each division has similar and non-similar objectives.

Why Revolution and not a Coup by IDF? Theoretically, any army can carry out a coup against civil leaders, but IDF is unlikely will do a coup but a revolution has already occurred. Revolution is from the button to the upper. Revolution is the way of a nation to say that we oppose your leadership. Internal Revolution is always succeed, while External Revolution by foreign countries that try to lead to a regime transformation is likely to fail.

Israel stands now at a Critical Crossroad since its formation. No one is going to give up easily. The Jewish Democrat Division alongside the Israeli Arab Division will fight together against Netanyahu with all the Revolution Methods, while the Far-Right Division will try any manipulation to transform Israel into an autocratic regime, so my prediction is that this bitter conflict may lead to a civil war in Israel.

Israel air force reservists to skip training in Netanyahu protest | News | Al Jazeera