Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher - A Researcher in International Relations and International Business with a Focus on Security and Political Risks & Economic and Strategic Risks Related to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), International Trade and Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As)

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Iraq and Iran: Israel


Published Date: 27 May 2022 at 21:00

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27 May 2022 at 21:00. The Iraqi new bill that criminalizes any relations with Israel including business ties with a punishment of the death penalty or life sentence, despite that Iraq has no diplomatic relations with Israel, gives us several important indications: i) Iraq and Iran are getting closer, so Iraq like Saudi Arabia are less care about what the best ally of Israel, the USA, will think in general, and about this bill, in particular. Hence, my speculation is that Iraq moved from being closer to the USA over Russia to being closer to Russia over the USA, which was reflected in the abstain vote of Iraq in two UN votes regarding Russia-Ukraine. ii) This bill removed any doubt that the Iran nuclear deal is doomed. iii) My speculation is that this bill which also refers to business ties, is related to the suspect of Iran that the latest assassination of a Revolutionary Guard colonel was done by people with business ties to the enemies of Iran, so Iraq may try to help Iran to prevent the next assassination in Iran by the West. Iraq has no diplomatic relations with Israel, yet the bill may target Iraqis that have dual citizenship or foreign business people that act in Iraq yet with access to Iran.

Iran Says Guards Colonel Shot Dead In Tehran Attack (ibtimes.com)

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