Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher - A Researcher in International Relations and International Business with a Focus on Security and Political Risks & Economic and Strategic Risks Related to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), International Trade and Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As)

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The Risk of ‘Green’ Nuclear Plants without a Fast Shutdown


Published Date: 29 August 2022 at 19:31

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29 August 2022 at 19:31. Is Elon Musk right that it is Wise to use Nuclear plants, either for national security or for peaceful use like energy? Is it correct to categorise energy based on radiation as Green Energy?

Let’s start from the obvious one - Nuclear reactors for Nuclear bombs likely will extinct humanity in the next world nuclear war or even in the next regional nuclear war. Why? You are welcome to read about it in my post Nuclear War: Human Extinction: Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher's Academic Forum on Global Risks

However, we still have the dilemma about peaceful nuclear planets, so Let’s start with some facts that many countries ignore when they chose locations for their nuclear plants, either for peaceful use or for atomic bombs

  • Earthquakes - Fukushima disaster in Japan

  • Volcanos - Tonga eruption from below sea level should give us a big alarm.

  • Wars - Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant in Ukraine - High risk for nuclear disaster due to wars

  • Terror - Too many extremist terror groups worldwide

However, the uncharted water regarding the high risk of nuclear plants is the drought of rivers and lakes because nuclear plants must build near water due to cooling of the reactors, so if suddenly, a river or lake near a nuclear plant will suffer from drought, then it will increase the risk for nuclear disaster. Even a change in the sea level, either because of rising the sea level due to the melting of ice shields or vice versa, because of lowering the sea level due to global warming, could increase the risk of a nuclear disaster in nuclear plants near the sea.

  • Drought of Rivers and Lakes - High risk due to Global warming

  • Change in the Sea Level - High risk due to Global warming

Let’s assume that we ignore all the above because Elon Musk is a wise man and he argued that a nuclear plant is a wise Green alternative, then do we have sufficient technology to deal with a fast shutdown of nuclear reactors in case of natural disasters or wars? and Do we have sufficient medicines to deal with the illness of the radiation impact?

Unfortunately, we have no technology for a fast shutdown of nuclear reactors nor medicines to deal with the illness of the radiation impact, so until then, it will be wise to categorise energy from a peaceful nuclear plant as radiation energy and not as green energy.

I heard that the wisest man on Earth and Mars, Elon Musk, has many children (I love children) and a lot of money, so let’s hope that he will put some money on Radiation-Green Energy to develop a fast shutdown of nuclear reactors, as well as a miracle medicine to deal with the illness of the radiation impact, for all the children on Earth and Mars (forthcoming on Mars).
