Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher - A Researcher in International Relations and International Business with a Focus on Security and Political Risks & Economic and Strategic Risks Related to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), International Trade and Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As)

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UNSC - United Nations Security Council


Latest Update: 01 August 2024

Monitoring Alliances by Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

Monitoring Military, Political, Economic and Trade Alliances that Have an Impact on Global Order and Geopolitics

Monitoring Alliances by Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher https://www.rozen-bakher.com/monitoring-alliances

For the Differences Between Military Defence Treaty versus Military Support Treaty versus Military Cooperation, Please see Section B2. in 2024 Global Survival Rank by Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher https://www.rozen-bakher.com/global-survival-rank-zrb/2024

UNSC - United Nations Security Council

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is an organ of the United Nations that is responsible for preserving global peace and global security. However, the structure of the UNSC is based on the outcome of WWII, rather than on the current global order in terms of superpowers. Considering that, the UNSC includes 5 permanent members: USA, Russia, China, the UK, and France, while the combination of the 10 non-permanent members is changed each year, yet each non-permanent member serves in the UNSC for a term of two years. Moreover, the regional combination of the UNSC includes 3 members from Africa, 3 members from Asia-Pacific, 2 members from East Europe, 2 members from Latin America and the Caribbean, and 2 from West Europe and other states, so even the regional combination of the UNSC does not reflect the current global order. Importantly, on the contrary to the United Nations General Assembly that all its decisions are not binding, then the UNSC is the only UN organ that has the authority to get resolutions that are binding on all member states, still, the Veto-Right leads usually to useless resolutions because in too many cases one of the permanent members of the UNSC uses its Veto-Right (see Global Risks by Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher, 25 February 2023, United Nations: Rubber Stamp?, https://www.rozen-bakher.com/forum/2023/02/25/un). Thus, the UNSC gives a good indication regarding the Political Fight between the Superpowers.

UNSC Website https://www.un.org/securitycouncil/

UNSC - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Security_Council

UNSC in 2024 - Membership

From 2024 Global Survival Rank by Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

2024 Global Survival Rank by Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher https://www.rozen-bakher.com/global-survival-rank-zrb/2024

Section E38. United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in 2024 https://www.rozen-bakher.com/gsr/2024/e/38

List of Contents - E38. United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in 2024

  • E38.1 UNSC in 2024

  • E38.2 UNSC in 2024: Permanent Members versus Non-Permanent Members

    • E38.2.1 Permanent Members of the UNSC

      • E38.2.1.1 Permanent Members of the UNSC among USA Coalition

      • E38.2.1.2 Permanent Members of the UNSC among Russia-China Coalition

    • E38.2.2 Non-Permanent Members of the UNSC in 2024

      • E38.2.2.1 Non-Permanent Members of the UNSC in 2024 among USA Coalition

      • E38.2.2.2 Non-Permanent Members of the UNSC in 2024 among Russia-China Coalition

  • E38.3 UNSC in 2024, sorted by Region

  • E38.4 UNSC in 2024: USA Coalition versus Russia-China Coalition

    • E38.4.1 UNSC in 2024: USA Coalition

    • E38.4.2 UNSC in 2024: Russia-China Coalition

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