Education - Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

Latest Update: 08 May 2024

Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

A Researcher in International Relations and International Business with a Focus on Security and Political Risks & Economic and Strategic Risks Related to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), International Trade and Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As)

Ph.D. in Public Policy & Management with a focus on International Business (FDI)

M.A. in International Relations & Strategy with a focus on International Security & Foreign Policy

B.A. in Political Science and Sociology & Anthropology

Associate Degree in Business Management and General Management

Technician Diploma in Robotics

Technician in Telecommunication Systems

Education Certificates and Transcripts

Higher Education

  • Ph.D. in Public Policy & Management with a focus on International Business (FDI), School of Political Sciences, University of Haifa, 2011

    Start Study-10/2004, Submitted to Review-11/2009, Review Reports-12/2010, Doctorate Award-01/2011

    • Ph.D. Dissertation’s Topic: Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

    • Excellence Scholarship for the Ph.D. Study: 3 years of Excellence Scholarship, The Authority of Advanced Studies of Haifa University

  • M.A. in International Relations & Strategy with a focus on Foreign Policy & International Security,  School of Political Sciences, University of Haifa, 2004

    • M.A. Thesis’s Topic: Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As)

    • Average M.A. Scores – 92.44

      Course Final Score

      Public Policy 100

      Multiculturalism: Knowledge and Power  95                      

      Approaches and Thoughts in Political Sciences 95             

      International Security 93                                                     

      Telecommunication Policy in the Digital Age 93                

      Israeli National Security  91                                                 

      Institutions and Process in the European Union  90            

      Research Workshop: Industrial Relations 90                       

      Decision Making in Foreign Policy  85                      

  • B.A. in Political Science; Sociology and Anthropology,  School of Political Sciences, University of Haifa, 1997

  • Associate Degree in Business Management and General Management (448 Academic Hours), University of Haifa, 1994

  • Technician Diploma in Robotics - Control Systems and Instrumentation, ORT Kiriat-Bialik College, 1982

    • Specialize in Medical Applications

    • Final Project - Computerized Tester for Chips based on Intel 8085 and Assembly Programming

High School

  • Te'udat Bagrut Certificate, Control Systems and Instrumentation Department, ORT Kiriat-Bialik College, 1981

    • Final Project: Digital Microscope based on Intel 8085 and Assembly Programming

    • Bagrut Exams:

      • Mathematics (5 study units)

      • English (5 study units)

      • Control Systems (5 study units)

      • Electricity

      • Technical Draftsman

      • Civics

      • History

      • Old Bible

      • Hebrew Grammar

      • Sub-fields of Technical Bagrut Exams:

        • Electronics

        • Binary logic

        • Mechanics and Automation

Technical Courses

  • Technician in Telecommunication Systems. Nortel (6 months)

  • Network Communications Course. John Bryce (50 Academic Hours)

  • Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) Course. Bezeq (35 Academic Hours)

Professional Courses

  • Rhetorical Analysis and Discourse Analysis Course. (325 Academic Hours)

  • Marketing and Sales Management. Several Courses.

  • Advertising Course

  • Managing Marketing and Sales Team Course

  • Interview Skills for Hiring New Employees Course

Other Courses

  • First Aid Assistant

  • Advanced Driving for Emergency Situations

Computing, Statistical Skills, and Programming


  • Microsoft Office Software includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and more - Proficiency

  • SAS, SAP, CRM, ERP - Working Experience

  • Dreamer - Experience in Teaching

  • Various Systems and Software - Working Experience with various Systems and software in the High-Tech Industry

Statistical Skills

  • SPSS Statistical Software - Proficiency, Used for Research

  • STATE - University Course


  • Websites Development - Experience in Teaching and Working Experience

  • HTML - Experience in Teaching

  • Assembly Programming - Study Final Projects and R&D Working Experience

  • Binary logic - Part of Bagrut Exam - Study Final Projects and R&D Working Experience


  • English - Mastery. English Bagrut Exam (5 Study Points)

  • Portuguese - Speaking at a Basic Plus Level, while Reading at a Medium Plus level. Study the Portuguese Language on a Daily Basis

  • Hebrew - Mastery. Bagrut Exam in Hebrew Grammar

  • Arabic - Understanding at a Basic Level yet without Reading (Israeli Arabic, Moroccan-Judeo Arabic and Iraqi-Judeo Arabic)

Education Certificates and Transcripts

Acknowledge about Former Family Names of Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

Former Family Names of Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher mentioned in the Portuguese Birth Certificate

  • Ziva Ittah: From Birth until 02 December 1980

  • Ziva Rozen: From 02 December 1980 until 24 October 1996

  • Ziva Rozen-Bakher: Since 24 October 1996

Note, Due to the translation from Hebrew to English, the family name is also written as Rozen-Bachar, still, the correct one is Rozen-Bakher.