
Published Date: 24 June 2021

Blog on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and International Trade by Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher to Identify Risks versus Opportunities at the Country Level

Blog on FDI and International Trade by Published Date

Blog on FDI and International Trade by Alphabetical Order

Forthcoming Countries From the Blog on FDI and International Trade

Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

A Researcher in International Relations with a Focus on Security, Political and Economic Risks for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and International Trade




Capital: Ottawa

Population: 37,593,384

Main Religion: Christianity

GDP per capita, PPP (current international $): $50,510.7

GDP (current US$): 1,736,425.63

GNI, Atlas method (current US$): 1,742,831.17

GDP includes FDI Inward, while GNI includes FDI Outward

Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) takes into account the standards of living in a country.

Source: 2019, World Bank

Information and Data on FDI and International Trade

Foreign investment in Canada -

Foreign trade figures of Canada - Economic and Political Overview - Lloyds Bank International Trade Portal (

Canada - United States Department of State

Macro Data

Canada | Data (

Canada and the IMF

General Information and Political Information

Canada - The World Factbook (

Canada country profile - BBC News

Research Papers and Research Books

Developed economy investment promotion agencies and emerging market foreign direct investment: The case of Chinese FDI in Canada - ScienceDirect

Macro-Economic Effects of Inward and Outward FDI in Canada: Transnational Corporations Review: Vol 11, No 1 (

Diaspora identity, acculturation policy and FDI: The Indian diaspora in Canada and the United States | SpringerLink

Macro-Economic Effects of Inward and Outward FDI in Canada: Transnational Corporations Review: Vol 11, No 1 (

A Protectionist Bargain?: Agriculture in the European Union—Canada Trade Agreement - Kluwer Law Online

Is the European Union Trade Deal with Canada New or Recycled? A Text‐as‐data Approach - Allee - 2017 - Global Policy - Wiley Online Library

The nexus between renewable energy, economic growth, trade, urbanisation and environmental quality: A comparative study for Australia and Canada - ScienceDirect

EconPapers: Role of international politics on agri‐food trade: Evidence from US–Canada bilateral relations (

A financial analysis of the potential of dead trees from the boreal forest of eastern Canada to serve as feedstock for wood pellet export - ScienceDirect

The pulse of driftwood export from a very large forested river basin over multiple time scales, Slave River, Canada - Kramer - 2017 - Water Resources Research - Wiley Online Library

Congestion and Distribution of Rents in Wheat Export Sector: A Canada–U.S. Cross‐Border Comparison - Serfas - 2018 - Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie - Wiley Online Library

Optimizing Canada–U.S. Border Crossing Investments for Export Competitiveness - Hamed Shahrokhi Shahraki, Chris Bachmann, 2019 (

The Effect of Import Competition on Employment in Canada: Evidence from the'China Shock'

Enhancing Food Security in Subarctic Canada in the Context of Climate Change: The Harmonization of Indigenous Harvesting Pursuits and Agroforestry Activities to Form a Sustainable Import-Substitution Strategy | SpringerLink

Language Issues in Canada: Multidisciplinary Perspectives - Google Books

Strategic environmental assessment in Canada : Handbook on Strategic Environmental Assessment (

The future of agroecology in Canada: Embracing the politics of food sovereignty - ScienceDirect

Air quality and greenhouse gas implications of autonomous vehicles in Vancouver, Canada - ScienceDirect

Public Policy and Politics via Documentaries and in-Depth TV NewsPrograms

Documentaries and in-Depth TV News programs usually reflect a certain viewpoint.ZRB

The Canadian Dream: The Migrant Road to Canada - Enquête - YouTube

History and Important History Events

Canada and the Idea of North - Sherrill Grace - Google Books

Illustrated History of Canada: 25th Anniversary Edition - Craig Brown - Google Books

Canada and the Age of Conflict (

Other Issues

The Impact of U.S. Free Trade Agreements on Calorie Availability and Obesity: A Natural Experiment in Canada - ScienceDirect

Trade-offs and synergies in the water-energy-food nexus: The case of Saskatchewan, Canada - ScienceDirect

National Bird

Gray jay

Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

Researcher in Risks for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and International Trade

Political Risks, Economic Risks, Strategic Risks


