
Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher - Researcher in Risks for FDI & International Trade

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), International Trade, Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As)

Political Risks: Geopolitical Conflicts, War-Sanctions, Trade War, Political Instability, Regime Transformation, Wars, Coups, Terror, Resistance Movements, Social Unrest, Diplomatic Crises, Regional Crises, Risks for World War.

Economic Risks: Global Economic Crises, War-Sanctions, Trade War, Restrictions on FDI and International Trade, Risks in International Trade Agreements, Economic Instability, Recession, Slowdown, Unemployment, Inflation, Technology Change, Global Warming.

Strategic Risks: Risks of Entry Modes, Strategic Risks at the Firm Level, Integration Risks in M&As, Religion Distance, Cultural Distance, Labour Unions in M&As.

In this blog, I focus each time on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and International Trade in a certain country or territory in terms of how Location Factors (Political, Economic, Technological, Ecological, Legal and Cultural) and Entry Modes (e.g. M&As, Export and Greenfield) impact the attractiveness - or vice versa - the risks of FDI and International Trade in the specific country or territory. Still, keep in mind that each risk may lead to an opportunity for resolving problems via suitable FDI and International Trade, while each opportunity for FDI and International Trade may involve risks.

Chad -FDI and International Trade


  • Capital: N'Djamena

  • Population: 17,179,740 (United Nations, 2022)

  • GDP per capita, PPP (current international $): $1,590.6 (World Bank, 2021)

  • GNI per capita (Atlas method, current US$): $650 (World Bank, 2021)



Main Religion: Islam

Key Figures of FDI and International Trade

Information and Data

Each source represents its viewpoint. ZRB

Chad and the IMF

Chad - The World Factbook (

Chad country profile - BBC News

Research Papers and Research Books

Empirical Models for the Evaluation of Global Solar Radiation for the Site of Abeche in the Province of Ouaddaï, in Chad (

Do foreign aid triggers economic growth in Chad? A time series analysis | Future Business Journal | Full Text (

Techno-econo-environmental optimal operation of grid-wind-solar electricity generation with hydrogen storage system for domestic scale, case study in Chad - ScienceDirect

Analysis of wind speed data and wind energy potential in Faya-Largeau, Chad, using Weibull distribution - ScienceDirect

Trade policy options for export diversification: The case of Mali, Chad, Niger, and Guinea | Pitigala | Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development (

An evaluation of Nigeria-Chad trade and security relations, 1988-2009 | Independent Journal of Management & Production (

Creative Encounters in: Social Analysis Volume 61 Issue 3 (2017) (

The Impact of Terrorism on Trade in Nigeria and Chad: Business & Management Book Chapter | IGI Global (

Timber exports from Cameroon to Chad: commercially successful, legally questionable. (

Public Policy and Politics via Documentaries and in-Depth TV News Programs

Keep in mind that Documentaries and in-Depth TV News programs usually reflect a certain viewpoint. ZRB

Is stability in Chad at risk? | Inside Story - YouTube

The teenagers forced into marriage in Chad – BBC News - YouTube

At least 50 killed in protests in Chad as police clash with demonstrators • FRANCE 24 English - YouTube

Dozens killed in crackdown on Chad democracy protests - YouTube

Important History Events

Why History? History shapes the present and future and even may repeat itself. ZRB

Historical Dictionary of Chad - Mario J. Azevedo, Samuel Decalo - Google Books

The Roots of Violence: A History of War in Chad - M. J. Azevedo - Google Books

Chad | A Nation In Search Of Its Future | Mario Azevedo | Taylor & Fra (

Other Issues

Issues that may have indirect effects or long-run effects either on opportunities or risks of FDI and International Trade. ZRB

Lake Chad Basin

The basin spans eight countries, including most of Chad and a large part of Niger. A combination of dams, increased irrigation, climate change, and reduced rainfall is causing water shortages, contributing to terrorism and the rise of Boko Haram in the region. Lake Chad continues to shrink. Source: Chad Basin - Wikipedia

Lake Chad: Preserving a Precious Resource in the Sahel - YouTube Source: World Bank

Millions brace for catastrophic effects as Lake Chad shrinks - YouTube

The Lake Chad hydrology under current climate change | Scientific Reports (

Spatial expansion of Islamic extremism in the Lake Chad Basin : current situation and prospective directions | Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions (

Assessment of hydro-climatic trends and causes of dramatically declining stream flow to Lake Chad, Africa, using a hydrological approach - ScienceDirect

Lake Chad vegetation cover and surface water variations in response to rainfall fluctuations under recent climate conditions (2000−2020) - ScienceDirect

Analysis of the water–conflict nexus in the Lake Chad Basin | Nature Sustainability


Spatial and multilevel analysis of unskilled birth attendance in Chad | SpringerLink

Genetic history of Chad - Shriner - 2018 - American Journal of Physical Anthropology - Wiley Online Library


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Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

Researcher in Risks for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and International Trade

Political Risks, Economic Risks, Strategic Risks


