Section E39. Comparison of 2024 Global Survival Rank (GSR): Region, Religion, Sovereignty Status, Colonies, Limited International Recognition, Alliances, Coalitions, Superpowers, and UNSC

2024 Global Survival Rank (GSR) by Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

Published: 30 April 2024


Global Survival Rank (GSR) by Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher: Yearly Rank to Compare the Global Political Power among Countries, Alliances and Coalitions to Survive Long Wars at the Military Level, Economic Level, and Political Level

2024 Global Survival Rank by Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

A Researcher in International Relations/International Business with a speciality in Risks for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), International Trade, and Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As) in relation to Security Risks, Political Risks, Economic Risks, and Strategic Risks


Section E39. Comparison of 2024 Global Survival Rank (GSR): Region, Religion, Sovereignty Status, Colonies, Limited International Recognition, Alliances, Coalitions, Superpowers, and UNSC

E39.1 Comparison of Regions 

For Full Details, Please see Section E11. All Countries and Colonies, sorted by Region

Table 229. Comparison of Regions by 2024 Global Survival Rank

Chart 17. Comparison of Regions by 2024 Global Survival Rank


E39.2 Comparison of Religions

E39.2.1 Comparison of Religious Majority

For Full Details, Please see Section E12. All Countries and Colonies, sorted by Religious Majority at the Country/Colony Level

Chart 18. Comparison of Religious Majority by 2024 Global Survival Rank

Table 230. Comparison of Religious Majority by 2024 Global Survival Rank

E39.2.2 Comparison of Main Subdivision of Religious Majority

For Full Details, Please see Section E13. All Countries and Colonies, sorted by Main Subdivision of Religious Majority at the Country/Colony Level

Chart 19. Comparison of Main Subdivision of Religious Majority by 2024 Global Survival Rank

Table 231. Comparison of Main Subdivision of Religious Majority by 2024 Global Survival Rank


E39.3 Comparison of Sovereignty Status

For Full Details, Please see Section E10. All Countries and Colonies, sorted by Sovereignty Status 

Chart 20. Comparison of Sovereignty Status by 2024 Global Survival Rank

Table 232. Comparison of Sovereignty Status by 2024 Global Survival Rank


E39.4 Comparison of Colonies and Their Sovereign States

For Full Details, Please see the Following Sections:

E39.4.1 Comparison of Colonies by Sovereign State

Chart 21. Comparison of Colonies by Sovereign State by 2024 Global Survival Rank

Table 233. Comparison of Colonies by Sovereign State by 2024 Global Survival Rank

E39.4.2 Comparison of Sovereign States with Colonies 

Chart 22. Comparison of Sovereign States with Colonies by 2024 Global Survival Rank

Table 234. Comparison of Sovereign States with Colonies by 2024 Global Survival Rank


E39.5 Comparison of Limited International Recognition of UN Members and UN Observer States

E39.5.1 Comparison of Limited International Recognition of UN Members and UN Observer States

For Full Details, Please see Section E17. Limited International Recognition of UN Members and UN Observer States  

Chart 23. Comparison of Limited International Recognition of UN Members and UN Observer States by 2024 Global Survival Rank

Table 235. Comparison of Limited International Recognition of UN Members and UN and Observer States by 2024 Global Survival Rank

E39.5.2 Comparison of Limited International Recognition of Disputed Countries

For Full Details, Please see Section E16. International Recognition of Disputed Countries

Chart 24. Comparison of Limited International Recognition of Disputed Countries by 2024 Global Survival Rank

Table 236. Comparison of Limited International Recognition of Disputed Countries by 2024 Global Survival Rank


E39.6 Comparison of Alliances

The Comparison of Alliances includes Members, Observer States, and Applicants while excluding Dialogue Partners, yet if applicable, the Comparison includes two Sub-Comparisons: i) Current Status that includes only Members. ii) Prospective Status that includes Members, Observer States, and Applicants.  

For Full Details, Please see the Following Alliances:

Chart 25. Comparison of Alliances by 2024 Global Survival Rank

E39.6.1 Comparison of Alliances: Members, Observer States and Applicants

Table 237. Comparison of Alliances by 2024 Global Survival Rank (Members, Observer States and Applicants)

E39.6.2 Comparison of Alliances: Present Status (Only Members) versus Prospective Status (Members, Observer States, Applicants)  

Table 238. Comparison of Alliances by 2024 Global Survival Rank: Present Status (Only Members) versus Prospective Status (Members, Observer States, Applicants)


E39.7 Comparison of Coalitions

The Determination of Coalitions is based on two Criteria: Sanctions Against Russia and the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Vote on ‘New International Economic Order’. For full details, please see Section C2.9 Coalitions (M9) in 2024 Global Survival Rank

For Full Details, Please see the Following Sections: 

Map 77. Comparison of Coalitions

Map 78. Criteria of Coalitions: Sanctions against Russia

Map 79. Criteria of Coalitions: United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Vote on New International Economic Order

Chart 26. Comparison of Coalitions by 2024 Global Survival Rank

Table 239. Comparison of Coalitions by 2024 Global Survival Rank


E39.8 Comparison of Superpowers

For Full Details, Please see Section E37. Superpowers - Military Defence Treaties in the Case of Attack against the Soil of the Superpower 

Chart 27. Comparison of Superpowers by 2024 Global Survival Rank

Table 240. Comparison of Superpowers by 2024 Global Survival Rank


E39.9 Comparison of United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in 2024

For Full Details, Please see Section E38. United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in 2024

Chart 28. Comparison of United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in 2024 by 2024 Global Survival Rank

E39.9.1 Comparison of UNSC in 2024: Permanent Members versus Non-Permanent Members

Table 241. Comparison of United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in 2024 by 2024 Global Survival Rank: Permanent Members versus Non-Permanent Members

E39.9.2 Comparison of UNSC in 2024: USA Coalition versus Russia-China Coalition

Table 242. Comparison of United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in 2024 by 2024 Global Survival Rank: USA Coalition versus Russia-China Coalition

Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

Researcher in Risks for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and International Trade

Political Risks, Economic Risks, Strategic Risks

Section E40. Summary of 2024 Global Survival Rank (GSR)


Section E38. United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in 2024