The Huge Mistake of Netanyahu-Trump: The USA Withdrawal From the Nuclear Deal Led to a Regime Transformation in Iran From a Progressive Leader to a Hardliner Leader

Published Date: 02 May 2022 at 17:52

Iran Nuclear Deal - Monitoring Risks by Dr. Rozen-Bakher, 17/02/2022

02 May 2022 at 17:52. Three persons should take responsibility for the death of the nuclear deal: Former Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, Former head of the Mossad Yossi Cohen, and the former President of the USA Donald Trump. When the trio withdraw from the deal, it was clear to me that is a huge mistake that even now may not be understood by many. First, it leads to a regime transformation in Iran from a progressive leader to a hard-liner leader (see Iran Nuclear Deal), which will impact the policy of Iran for many years to come, especially if President Raisi becomes the heir to the religious leader. Second. it undermines the Israeli security in a very bad way and even may lead in the future to the opposite outcome, namely that Iran will have nuclear capabilities, resulting in a very dangerous situation if a military conflict will flare-up between Iran and Israel, especially if both sides will have nuclear capabilities under the hands of hard-liner leaders. Third, the unjustified sanctions that were imposed on Iran undermine the geopolitical position of the USA worldwide. It was like the breakpoint for many countries that were sat on the fence between West and East. Forth, the unjustified sanctions were hit badly the Iran economy in the short-run even regarding food and medicine. Unlikely that Iran will forgive about it, so it may lead to revenge in the future.

When the USA withdraw from the deal, I repeatedly argued that these unjustified sanctions are a huge mistake that will backfire USA and Israel. Is it possible to fix it? Unlikely at this point. It’s too late. This should teach us that if we will spoil something, then we may not be able to fix it in the future even if we will try hard to do it. Never spoil trust. Never make cold-hearted damage. They are not fixable.

Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

Researcher in Risks for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and International Trade

Political Risks, Economic Risks, Strategic Risks

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