Is the old Bromance between Putin and Netanyahu will help Israel to Avoid Military Conflicts in its Backyard?

03 January 2023 at 04:48. Amid the new strategic relations between Russia and Iran, Is the old Bromance between Putin and Netanyahu will help Israel to avoid military conflicts in Israel’s backyard, especially by ‘talking less about Ukraine’? Sometimes, it is more simple to start with the button line. The scenario that Putin will give weapons to Iran and Syria that will be used against Israel, yet may invite Netanyahu and Sara to Moscow to see Swan Lake with Pink Champagne and Cubanian Cigars, is very likely. Putin is more sophisticated player than Netanyahu, so based on my analysis, a real Bromance never exists with Netanyahu from the viewpoint of Putin, because Syria is always more important to Russia than Israel-the best ally of the USA-the prominent rival of Russia, yet why not to meet and chat with Netanyahu and even see with him a Ballet if you can get for free precious intelligence information, especially if you have an experience as an intelligence officer in the KGB like Putin.

The Bible story about the Debut Sale may illustrate the mentioned above. Esau agreed to sell his firstborn which had great material and class value in old age, to get in return, only a lentil stew that has a very low value. בראשית כה/ניקוד – ויקיטקסט (

Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

Researcher in Risks for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and International Trade

Political Risks, Economic Risks, Strategic Risks

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