Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher - A Researcher in International Relations and International Business with a Focus on Security and Political Risks & Economic and Strategic Risks Related to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), International Trade and Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As)

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Premature Euphoria: Ukraine Retakes Territories


Published Date: 08 October 2022 at 03:19.

Risks Timeline by Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

Comments on Contemporary Risks by Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

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Monitoring Risks by Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher: Analysing Risks in-Depth of Political Risks, Economic Risks, and Strategic Risks

Global Risks by Dr. Rozen-Bakher: Stimulating Thinking ‘Out of the Box’ on Ongoing Global Problems that have no Clear Solutions

Dr. Rozen-Bakher’s Blog on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and International Trade to Identify Risks versus Opportunities

Dr. Rozen-Bakher’s Twitter Lists and Twitter Hashtags to Identify Risks for FDI and International Trade

08 October 2022 at 03:19. If we look at West newspapers, then exists euphoria that Ukraine wins the war because the Ukraine army succeeded to retake some areas from the annexation regions, and Zelenskyy even has the illusion that he is going to retake Crimea. However, when I analyse the whole situation, then I am not joined to this euphoria, on the contrary, I am worried because of this euphoria, especially due to Ukraine's policy to continue with this war without compromising. In wars, changing tactics is the based for winning a war rather than only winning some battlefields, and it seems that Russia has changed its tactics with the objective of a full invasion of Ukraine, or more precisely the war will continue until Russia will end the Zelenskyy regime in Ukraine. When the Russian special operation started, Russia was focused on the two separate regions, but now, the tactics changed. Instead of a small army force that is supposed to focus on a small area, then now, Russia puts efforts into mass mobilization including training before entry of the troops into the war zone alongside airstrikes of many cities to make the ground ready for the invasion of land troops. At the tactics level, Russia moved from short-term military operation to long-term war, so during the transformation period, Ukraine may retake some areas and after that, Russia will take them back. One thing is for sure, Russia is not in a hurry to enter reserve troops into Ukraine to ´save´ some settlements from being retaken by Ukraine. Russia has long-term plan for Ukraine and it follows this plan even if exists some setbacks. Still, when we change tactics, the transformation should be short as possible to avoid setbacks, so the big open question is if Russia will deal effectively with this tactic transformation, yet I won´t be surprised if Russia has a tactical surprise for Ukraine.

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