Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher - A Researcher in International Relations and International Business with a Focus on Security and Political Risks & Economic and Strategic Risks Related to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), International Trade and Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As)

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09/11 Terror Attacks: Is USA Needed to Invade Afghanistan to Eliminate Osama Bin Laden the Leader of Al-Qaeda?


Published Date: 11 September 2022 at 05:13

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Global Risks by Dr. Rozen-Bakher: Stimulating Thinking ‘Out of the Box’ on Ongoing Global Problems that have no Clear Solutions

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11 September 2022 at 05:13. The Terror Attack of 09/11marks the change of the world towards terror groups, yet looking from a historical perspective after 20 years, two main questions arise: i) Why the intelligence agencies of the USA and its allies failed to reveal the plan of 09/11 and prevent it? ii) Is the USA and its allies (NATO) should enter the 20 war in Afghanistan following 09/11?

The terror attack of 09/11 was carried out by 19 men, 15 of them were from Saudi Arabia and 4 others from Egypt, UAE and Lebanon. It was planned for years by al-Qaeda with Osama Bin Laden as the leader, so theoretically, the West intelligence agencies had a long time to reveal it and prevent it, but it did not happen. Perhaps, because the West intelligence agencies underestimate the ability of terror groups to carry out this coordinated terror attack in the USA alongside they had a lack of informative people in Saudi Arabia that most of the attackers were from there.

Following the terror attack of 09/11, the USA and its allies (NATO) were involved in a very long war in Afghanistan, yet without strategic success to eliminate terror groups in general, and the terror groups in Afghanistan, in particular, still, the USA succeeded to revenge al-Qaeda and their leaders, nonetheless, is it worth the 20 years war in Afghanistan or it could be done by target operations without getting into the invasion of Afghanistan? Looking back, it was not worth the unpreceded cost of the war in Afghanistan because it did not deter the evolution of terror groups and their activities. Worse, in the last decade, it even became worse, such as the evolution of the global terror group, Islamic State.

My analysis is that the West intelligence agencies should not underestimate the ability of terror groups to carry out sophisticated terror attacks that even may involve attackers from West countries. Besides, doubtful if an invasion or air attack like what was done in Afghanistan or Syria will resolve in the long-run the threat of terror attacks. Perhaps, dealing with the causes for the creation of terror groups and their activities may be more effective in the long-run, still, preventing planned terror attacks could be done only by revealing it, and that is on the shoulders of intelligence agencies that should be wiser than the attackers.

(10) 911 the War in Afghanistan (Full Documentary) - YouTube

(10) Leaving Afghanistan: America’s Final Days in Our Longest War - YouTube

(10) Beyond Osama: Meet the other Al-Qaeda men behind 9/11 and where they are now - YouTube

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