Censorship - the End of Democracy

14 June 2023 at 05:26. Antonio Guterres was a unique young man when together with his colleagues he fought for the Democracy of Portugal via the Carnation Revolution and even after that. However, the years passed, and from 1995 - 2002, he became the PM of Portugal as a member of the Portuguese Socialist Party, and since 2017, he has served as secretary-general of the United Nations. If we look at his earlier years, then from the viewpoint of the Caetano regime in Portugal before the Carnation Revolution, Antonio Guterres and his colleagues spread disinformation and hate in Portugal.

Censorship is based on the bad idea that those who have the power will control what people said or not, and importantly, what people will hear and read and what not. Censorship not only destroys the most important value of democracy, the Freedom, but it also makes the public as ‘stupid ones’ that have no ability to understand what is propaganda and what is not, while those who have the power are the ‘Smart ones’ that should decide via Censorship what the public will hear and read and what not.

Is everyone can read what I wrote here or it is labelled as ‘disinformation and hate’?

Censorship is the End of Democracy.

António Guterres - Wikipedia; Censorship - Wikipedia; Propaganda - Wikipedia

Censorship of what Russia said that labels as Propaganda while Not Censorship of What Ukraine and Zealensky said despite that they used Propaganda.

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