Iran: The Palestinian Merger between Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PJI) and Hamas

20 June 2023 at 07:32. The reconciliation and unity wave in the Arab world reached the two Palestinian resistance groups in GAZA: the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PJI) and Hamas, a merger that runs and managed by Iran which for long is a close ally of PJI, yet likely is going to be also a close ally of the Hamas too, even under the approval of Egypt that is supposed to step in also into this merger. Iran never hides its agenda regarding ending the Israeli occupation of Palestine, but now Iran takes a prominent role in achieving it by creating a ‘Resistance Merger’ between PJI and Hamas. However, Iran not only takes the helm of this merger but also tries to create a ‘political leader’ for PJI instead of the image of a ‘terrorist leader’ by arranging meetings with political figures like the Iranian Foreign Minister and forthcoming meetings in Egypt. Nevertheless, if we look at the big picture of the reconciliation and unity wave in the Arab world, then what is interesting is the FAST SPEED of this wave, namely each day we hear about a new development, such as restoring diplomatic ties, diplomatic tours, mediators visiting and such. This FAST Speed also reached Gaza. On 14 June 2023, Khamenei met PJI in Iran, and following that, on 19 June 2023, PJI and Hamas arrived in Iran on the same day for high-rank meetings, yet the big question is if we will see soon the PJI and Hamas together in the same room or in two different rooms yet on the same day. Either way, Israel highly likely will feel the heat from this ‘Resistance Merger’ between PJI and Hamas, sooner than later. Hence, there is no doubt that Israel and Palestine will go through Military Resistance, yet the question is how is going to be, a ‘Land Military Resistance’ or a ‘Missiles Military Resistance’ or both or even beyond that. My prediction is that we enter into a harsh resistance period between Israel and Palestine in which each side will have ‘High Costs’ in terms of casualties and military resources. How long it will last? My prediction is until Israel will end the occupation of Palestine, either via a diplomatic solution or following a harsh military conflict.

Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

Researcher in Risks for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and International Trade

Political Risks, Economic Risks, Strategic Risks

The Civil War between Israeli Settlers and Palestinians in the Occupied Territory of Palestine


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