National Cultural Defence

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21 May 2023 at 10:44. Hofstede invented its national cultural dimensions that try to define the national culture among various cultures. However, Hofstede's framework like other similar farmworks mainly focuses on the political and business arenas, rather on the Defence arena.

I will illustrate the concept of National Cultural Defence via WWII by raising questions:

  • Why the Red Army of the Soviet Union (headquarter in Russia) had the highest casualties in WWII?

  • Why the Red Army of the Soviet Union (headquarter in Russia) is the only army in Europe continent that did not agree to survive to the Nazi Army?

  • Why did Denmark agree to survive after a few hours to the Nazi Army?

  • Why did Netherlands agree to survive after three days to the Nazi Army?

  • Was the devastation in Rotterdam bigger than the devastation and casualties in Stalingrad that justified the surrounding?

  • Why did Norway agree to survive to the Nazi Army yet carried on significant resistance against the Nazi Army compared to Netherlands?

  • Why did Paris agree to survive to Hitler by replacing its PM?

  • Why did the USA drop atomic bombs on Japan?

I can continue to raise many similar questions, yet the conclusion from them will be that each nation has National Cultural Defence, regardless of the ‘survival key factors’ (see for example my Global Survival Rank). In other words, what determines the National Cultural Defence is not how many soldiers and weapons the nation has, but the level of determination, sacrifice, improvisation, sophistication, social solidarity, patriotism, and even the level of evil and cruelty against enemies.

Why did I predict from the start of the Ukraine War that the Ukraine Army has no chance to win over the Russian army even if Ukraine will get the best weapons from the West? Because of the National Cultural Defence of Russia that is based on a high level of determination, sacrifice, improvisation, sophistication, and patriotism. Even Ukraine has a high level of determination and sacrifice, still, other factors and the ‘survival key factors’ are not enough to win the Russian army.

Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

Researcher in Risks for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and International Trade

Political Risks, Economic Risks, Strategic Risks

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