The Pathetic Illusion of USA about the ability of Ukraine to Win a War against Russia

22 June 2023 at 07:47. Each day, we have more and more Orphans, Widows, and Bereaved Parents who lost their loved ones, either in the side of Ukraine or in the side of Russia, because of the Pathetic Illusional of USA about the ability of Ukraine to Win a War against Russia or that the ‘USA Coalition’ can win the Sanction-War against ‘Russia-China Coalition'. Still, the only ones that benefit from this war are the weapon producers whose revenue has increased significantly since the start of the war between Russia and Ukraine. Not only that the USA and Zelenskiy have failed to understand what was clear from the beginning, but now, the USA dives deep into this illusion that maybe in the future Ukraine will win the war against Russia. Everyone knows that it’s hard to admit in mistakes, but when the mistakes involved too many to count Casualties and Bereaved Families, then the time is come to say, ‘Enough is Enough’.

In the last year, many in the EU including Merkel declared that the ‘Minsk Agreement’ was a kind of ‘Mistake’ or ‘Getting Time’ until Ukraine will be more strong compared to Russia, BUT Ukraine will never be able to Win a war against Russia, so kind form of ‘Minsk Agreement’ is a good solution for Russia and Ukraine in trying to prevent a military hostility. Therefore, instead of sending more and more weapons to Ukraine, USA, the EU and NATO members should engage in diplomacy to end this war for the sake of Ukraine after this ‘disaster calculation’ in getting into this war instead of compromising with Russia before the invasion. When each day, too many to count, we have more and more Orphans, Widows, and Bereaved Parents who lost their loved ones, then it’s useless to speak about democracy and freedom. Wisdom allows us to get the ‘Right Satisfied Decisions’ and not the ‘Optimal Decisions’. Ukraine needs Wisdom and not empty words of democracy and freedom that have led to this disastrous war.

Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

Researcher in Risks for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and International Trade

Political Risks, Economic Risks, Strategic Risks

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