Egypt: The Dramatic Shift from USA Ally to Russia-China Ally
Risks Timeline by Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher
Comments on Contemporary Risks by Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher
From other Research Activities of Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher:
30 May 2023 at 10:31. In my Monitoring Risks, I discussed and analysed the formation of the USA Coalition versus Russia-China Coalition amid the Ukraine War. When I looked at the global position of Egypt (see below), I defined Egypt as part of the Russia-China Coalition, despite that Egypt over the last years looked like a USA Ally which indeed was in some ways, still, even I did not predict the dramatic FAST shift of Egypt from USA Ally to Russia-China Ally. The ‘Invisible Hand’ sent the Sultan of Oman to Egypt and then to Tehran to resume diplomatic relations between Egypt and Iran. The ‘Invisible Hand’ also ensure that Turkey and Egypt will resume diplomatic relations, while I will not be surprised if Egypt and Syria will also resume diplomatic relations sooner than later. The ‘Invisible Hand’ of Russia-China Coalition works systematically, smartly and fastly to unite the members of Russia-China Coalition in order to make a strong and unified coalition. Under this ‘Invisible Hand’ nothing should take for granted.
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