OPEC+: Brazil Formally Moved From the ‘West Family’ to the ‘East Family’

31 December 2023 at 08:55. It can be declared that Brazil, the former colony of Portugal, where until today, the formal language is Portuguese, moved formally from ‘USA Coalition’ to the Russia-China Coalition. Why? Because the last decision of Brazil to join OPEC+ reflected the strategic direction of Brazil in the last decade, namely in the ‘West Family’, Brazil is one of the ‘Tails of the Lions’, while in the ‘East Family’, Brazil is one of the ‘Heads for the Foxes’. According to this strategy, Brazil is a member of the BRICS+, OPEC+ and Brazil is even an Observer State in the Arab League, despite that Brazil is not an Arab State. Still, many in the ‘USA Coalition’ have the illusion that Brazil and India are part of the ‘West Family’, but clearly, they are wrong, and the last decision of Brazil to join OPEC+ indicated how Brazil and India look like ‘Sitting on the Fence’ like Turkey, yet in contrary to Turkey that is a member of NATO, Brazil and India have no Formally Connection with the ‘West Family’, while definitely, they are Formally part of the ‘East Family’. Is it possible that non-Arab States will join the Arab League? Unlikely, yet if the Glass Ceiling will fall, then I won’t be surprised that Brazil and India will join the Arab League as members.

  • OPEC https://www.rozen-bakher.com/alliances/opec

  • Arab League https://www.rozen-bakher.com/alliances/arableague

Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

Researcher in Risks for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and International Trade

Political Risks, Economic Risks, Strategic Risks


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