Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher - A Researcher in International Relations and International Business with a Focus on Security and Political Risks & Economic and Strategic Risks Related to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), International Trade and Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As)

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Azerbaijan, 25 June 2021

Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher’s Blog on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and International Trade

In this blog, I focus each time on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and International Trade in a certain country or territory in terms of how Location Factors (Political, Economic, Technological, Ecological, Legal and Cultural) and Entry Modes (e.g. M&As, Export and Greenfield) impact the attractiveness - or vice versa - the risks of FDI and International Trade in the specific country or territory.

Azerbaijan – Foreign Direct Investment and International Trade


Capital: Baku

Population: 10,024,283

Main Religion: Islam

GDP per capita, PPP: $15,039.8

GDP: $48,047.65

GNI, Atlas method: $44,873.71

GDP includes FDI Inward, while GNI includes FDI Outward.

Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) takes into account the standards of living in a country.

Current US$.

Source: 2019, World Bank

Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic

An autonomous area of Azerbaijan with its own elected legislature.

Population: 459,600

Information and Data on FDI and International Trade

Foreign investment in Azerbaijan - Santandertrade.com

Foreign trade figures of Azerbaijan - Economic and Political Overview - Lloyds Bank International Trade Portal (lloydsbanktrade.com)

Azerbaijan - United States Department of State

Macro Data

Azerbaijan | Data (worldbank.org)

Republic of Azerbaijan and the IMF

General Information and Political Information

Azerbaijan - The World Factbook (cia.gov)

Azerbaijan country profile - BBC News

Research Papers and Research Books

The impact of economic growth on CO2 emissions in Azerbaijan - ScienceDirect

Transition to renewable energy and sustainable energy development in Azerbaijan - ScienceDirect

Examining the students’ behavioral intention to use e-learning in Azerbaijan? The General Extended Technology Acceptance Model for E-learning approach - ScienceDirect

Leadership and Nationalism in Azerbaijan: Ali Mardan bey Topchibashov ... - Jamil Hasanli - Google Books

The History of Intellectual Property Rights Regulation in Azerbaijan Intellectual Property Law Issues 2018 Law Review of Kyiv University of Law 2018 (heinonline.org)

The FDI-CO2 nexus from the sustainable development perspective: the case of Azerbaijan: International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology: Vol 28, No 3 (tandfonline.com)

Do Economic Linkages through FDI Lead to Institutional Change? Assessing Outcomes in Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan: Europe-Asia Studies: Vol 71, No 4 (tandfonline.com)

Main Directions of the Non-Oil Export Sector in Azerbaijan: Problems of Economic Transition: Vol 61, No 6 (tandfonline.com)

Macroeconomic Aspects of the Price and the Salary in Development of Competitive and Export-Oriented Agriculture in Azerbaijan by Sugra Humbatova, Natig Hajiyev :: SSRN

The Impact of Oil Factor on the Car Import in Azerbaijan - ProQuest

New extractivism and failed development in Azerbaijan: Third World Quarterly: Vol 0, No 0 (tandfonline.com)

Turkey-Azerbaijan Economical and Political Relations (scirp.org)

Public Policy and Politics via Documentaries and in-Depth TV NewsPrograms

Documentaries and in-Depth TV News programs usually reflect a certain viewpoint.ZRB

An Islamic revival in Azerbaijan: The Road to Hajj | Featured Documentary - YouTube

Armenia and Azerbaijan clash over disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region | DW News - YouTube

Nagorno-Karabakh: 'We’ve lost an entire generation' - BBC News - YouTube

Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia sign Nagorno-Karabakh peace deal - BBC News - YouTube

Will the latest ceasefire bring peace to Nagorno-Karabakh? | Inside Story - YouTube

History and Important History Events

Azerbaijan Since Independence - Svante E. Cornell - Google Books

The Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict: Causes and Implications - Michael P. Croissant - Google Books. History Perspective

Russian Azerbaijan, 1905-1920: The Shaping of a National Identity in a Muslim Community - Tadeusz Swietochowski - Google Books

Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic

Iran, Nakhchivan confer on expanding transport, trade co-op - Tehran Times

Azerbaijani-Turkish tactical drills underway in Nakhchivan [... | MENAFN.COM

Nakhchivan International Airport withdrawn from Azerbaijan Airlines (trend.az)

Azerbaijani soldier injured by Armenian firing in Nakhchivan (aa.com.tr)

Iranian delegation arrives in Azerbaijan''s Nakhchivan | MENAFN.COM

Azerbaijan's Nakhchivan unveils 5M2021 volume of revenues from communication services (trend.az)

Ganja-Nakhchivan flight to be revised ABC.AZ

Other Issues

Armed low-cost drones, made by Turkey, reshape battlefields and geopolitics (livemint.com)

Seismic-Moment Tensor of Earthquakes in Azerbaijan for 2012–2015 | Russian Geology and Geophysics | GeoScienceWorld