Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher - A Researcher in International Relations and International Business with a Focus on Security and Political Risks & Economic and Strategic Risks Related to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), International Trade and Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As)

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2023 Global Survival Rank (GSR) by Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher


Published: 29 April 2023


Global Survival Rank (GSR) by Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher: Yearly Rank to Compare the Global Political Power among Countries, Alliances and Coalitions to Survive Long Wars at the Military Level, Economic Level, and Political Level

Global Survival Rank by Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher https://www.rozen-bakher.com/global-survival-rank-zrb

2023 Global Survival Rank by Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

Top 20 - Global Survival Rank, 2023

Introduction and Methodology

For Introduction and Methodology, Please see the 2024 Global Survival Rank

  • Survival Factors Included in 2023 Global Survival Rank: Area Size (R1), Population and Army Size (R2), GDP and Military Expenditure in Long Wars (R3), Technology Level (R4), Natural Gas-Proved Reserves (R5), Oil-Proved Reserves (R6), Food Security (R7)

    Countries: R1 Area Size (25% of GSR), R2 Army Size (20% of GSR), R3 Military Expenditure in Long Wars (20% of GSR), R4a Technology Level (12% of GSR), R5 Natural Gas-Proved Reserves (10% of GSR), R6 Oil-Proved Reserves (8% of GSR), R7 Food Security (5% of GSR)

  • Intervening Factors that included the 2023 Global Survival Rank: Alliances (M8), Coalitions (M9)

    The 2023 Global Survival Rank includes the following Alliances:

    • NATO

    • Counter-NATO: CSTO, China's Bilateral Military Defence Treaties, CIS, SCO, BRICS, EAEU

Analysis of 2023 Global Survival Rank

Looking at the tables of Global Survival Rank shows a complicated picture in terms of which coalition has more likelihood to survive WWIII. USA coalition has advantages in terms of Military expenditure and Technology Level, still, the share of countries with low survival ranks among the USA Coalition is relatively high. In other words, USA Coalition/NATO has too many countries with low survival rank compared to strong countries with high survival rank. However, the Russia-China Coalition has clear advantages in terms of area size, military size, energy and even food security. On the one hand, Russia-China Coalition includes many small countries with a very low survival rank, but on the other, Russia-China Coalition has more significant countries with high survival rank among the Top 20 countries with the highest survival rank.

Many see NATO as the promised ‘Joker card’ for survival in WWIII, but this analysis raises big challenges for NATO to win a war against the Russia-China Coalition or even to survive a long war. Time for reflection for those who push for global confrontation.

2023 Global Survival Rank - Tables and Charts

List of Contents

  • Comparison of Each Indicator of the 2023 Global Survival Rank: USA Coalition versus Russia-China Coalition versus ‘Sitting On the Fence’

  • All Countries, sorted by Alphabetical Order

  • All Countries, sorted by the 2023 Global Survival Rank

  • USA Coalition, sorted by the 2023 Global Survival Rank

  • Russia-China Coalition, sorted by the 2023 Global Survival Rank

  • ‘Sitting On the Fence’, sorted by the 2023 Global Survival Rank

  • Comparison of NATO versus the Core of the Russia-China Coalition, Sorted by Each Indicator of Global Survival Rank

  • NATO, sorted by the 2023 Global Survival Rank

  • Core of the Russia-China Coalition, sorted by the 2023 Global Survival Rank

  • Colonies

2023 Global Survival Rank - All Countries - Comparing USA Coalition versus Russia-China Coalition

2023 Global Survival Rank - All Countries - Sorted by a-b

2023 Global Survival Rank - All Countries - Sorted by Rank

2023 Global Survival Rank - USA Coalition - Sorted by Rank

2023 Global Survival Rank - Russia-China Coalition - Sorted by Rank

2023 Global Survival Rank - ‘Sitting On the Fence’ - Sorted by Rank

2023 Global Survival Rank - Comparison of NATO versus Core of Russia-China Coalition

2023 Global Survival Rank - NATO - Sorted by Rank

2023 Global Survival Rank - Core of Russia-China Coalition - Sorted by Rank

The Core of Russia-China Coalition includes only members or forthcoming members of Military Alliances or Trade Alliances of Russia and China

Colonies - Partly 2023 Global Survival Rank ( 2 Indicators and Distance) - Sorted by Rank

The comparison between colonies in the 2023 Global Survival Rank was based on the Simple Average (SR) of only 3 indicators:

  • R1, Area Size.

  • R2, Military Size - Population.

  • Distance From Colonies to Sovereign State.