Iran Sanctions and Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO)
Published Date: 03 February 2022
Monitoring Risks by Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher
Analysing in-Depth Security & Political Risks and Economic & Strategic Risks
Monitoring Risks
Iran Sanctions and Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), 3 February 2022
MP says Iran can use SCO capacity to neutralize sanctions - Tehran Times
Iran - Wikipedia; Shanghai Cooperation Organisation - Wikipedia;
USA and China are like two rival ‘business firms-superpowers’ that compete on ‘customers-allies’. Each of them has loyal ‘customers-allies’ (e.g. UK for USA, while North Korea for China), yet there are many potential ‘customers-allies’ that could move from one ‘firm-superpower’ to another, so when USA imposes sanctions on one ‘customer-ally’, then it creates an opportunity for China to takeover on the disappointed/frustrated customer-ally to increase the ‘market-superpower’ share of ‘customers-allies’ of China. Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) is served as a tool for China to neutralize sanctions imposed by USA on potential ‘customer-ally’ in order to create for China a new loyal ‘customer-ally’. Given that, when the ‘market-superpower’ share of USA is reduced due to sanctions, then the ‘market-superpower’ share of China is increased. This movement of ‘customers-allies’ between the ‘business firms-superpowers’ occur regardless of sanctions when a ‘customer-ally’ abandoned or disappointed from the ‘service’ of its ‘business firm-superpower’.
Hence, several important questions arise in the risk of Iran Sanctions and Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO):
Is Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) could be counter-sanctions for USA’s sanctions and its allies on Iran?
Is the joining of Iran as a full member of SCO undermining the motivation of Iran to resume the nuclear deal?
Is Iran willing to go back to the old conditions of the nuclear deal or Iran will try to get better conditions due to the neutralize sanctions via SCO?
Is China interested in continuing USA sanctions on Iran in terms of the creation of new allies when the USA is continued to impose sanctions or imposes new sanctions on a potential ally of China?
Is China not interested in resuming the Iran nuclear deal because of ‘losing control’ on a new ally?
Is the Iran nuclear deal doomed because of SCO?
Is Iran already have nuclear capabilities via ‘made or buy’ or even getting ‘gifts’ from non-USA rivals/superpowers?
Is global regulation could stop the sale of nuclear capabilities or the ‘gifts’ of nuclear capabilities?