Netanyahu Illusion: Arab Coalition against Israel Instead of Arab Coalition against Iran

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11 May 2023 at 08:01. The restoration of Diplomatic Relations between Saudi Arabia and Syria including the rejoining of Syria to the Arab League definitely marked the end of Netanyahu's Illusion about the creation of an Arab Coalition against Iran, the closest ally of Syria. Importantly, it’s marked for Israel that definitely the ‘Rules of Game’ changed for the bad, because de-facto we have today an Arab Coalition against Israel amid the harsh Israeli occupation of Palestine that includes the de-facto 'Ethnic Cleansing’ under the Israeli far-right of Netanyahu, as well as amid the ongoing Israeli conflict with Asad Regime and Hezbollah in Lebanon, regardless of the ‘bromance hate’ between Netanyahu and Iran.

Hence, my prediction is that in the ‘good scenario’ for Israel, one of the ‘regular’ Israeli attacks in Syria will serve as a pretext to start an 'all-out war' against Israel by the Arab Coalition, yet some Arab countries will be active in this war, while other Arab countries and even Muslim countries will give indirect assistance to this war against Israel. However, in the ‘bad scenario’ for Israel, the ongoing de-facto 'Ethnic Cleansing’ in occupied Palestine by the Israeli far-right government of Netanyahu will lead to the start of an 'all-out war' against Israel by the Arab Coalition following one of the Israeli provocations in Palestine or due to one of the ‘regular’ ‘missile bromance’ between Israel and Gaza. One way or another, it’s hard to see how this ‘all-out war’ between Israel and Arab Coalition could be avoided in the current circumstances unless Israel will understand that the ‘Rules of Game’ changed.

Is Israel could avoid this ‘all-out war’? YES, if:

  • Avoiding any unnecessary attacks in Syria in the style of a ‘showcase attack’.

  • Ending the Israeli occupation in Palestine via a diplomatic solution in the format of a ‘Two-State Solution’.

  • Avoiding any provocation and attacks in Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.

  • Avoiding the ‘bromance hate’ with Iran - Israel has no shared border with Iran.

  • The trials against Netanyahu did not lead him to resign, but his failed policy and his dangerous far-right government may make him resign for the sake of Israel. Otherwise, Netanyahu should replace ASAP via democratic acts.

  • ‘Friends of Israel’ should avoid calls for escalation of the conflict between Israel and the ‘Arab Coalition’.

Israeli Illusion about Arab Coalition against Iran

Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

Researcher in Risks for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and International Trade

Political Risks, Economic Risks, Strategic Risks

Risk of Revenge: Israeli Occupation of Palestine


Political Assassination via Drones: Changed in the ‘Rules of Game’