Risk of Revenge: Israeli Occupation of Palestine

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14 May 2023 at 09:06. Wars happened countless times throughout the history of humanity, still, revenge via war is a different story.

I will illustrate revenge via war through the case of the Bombing of Dresden by the Allies in 1945 at the end of WWII. “The bombing of Dresden was a joint British and American aerial bombing attack on the city of Dresden. During In four raids between 13 and 15 February 1945, 772 heavy bombers of the Royal Air Force (RAF) and 527 of the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) dropped more than 3,900 tons of high-explosive bombs and Fire Bombs (incendiary devices) on the city. During the raids, the Allies used 200,000 Fire Bombs (incendiaries) in all, with the high-explosive bombs ranging in weight from 230 to 1,810 kg blockbusters.” The bombing and the resulting firestorm killed 22,700 to 35,000 people in one night” (Wikipedia).

If we put aside the Jewish Holocaust, then the Nazis raids on London and England and in other European cities that were attacked by Nazis, never reached the scope of the Darzden bombing in terms of casualties and devastation, so if I need to describe in one word what’s happened in Darzden, then it is Revenge. The risk of Revenge via wars occurred when one side over a long period caused continuous suffering for the other side. The Nazis indeed did not carry out such a bombing in London as was done in Darzden, yet over 5 years, the Nazis caused continuous suffering in London and in other cities in England via the bombing that includes casualties and devastation, so the British took revenge on Nazis in Dresden with their USA ally. Why Dresden? Because Dresden was an important city for Hitler and Nazis. Obviously, the Allies made war crimes in Dresden. Even Women and Children of Nazis should not been killed by 'Stromefire’ that reached app. 1,300 Celsius on the ground.

The Revenge Case of Darzden should teach us the Risk of Revenge. The continues tremendous suffering that Israel has done to Palestinians over the last 75 years, especially in the last 55 years since the occupation of Palestine following the Six-War Days War, and in particular in the last decade since the start of the ‘Ethical Cleaning’ by Jewish Settlers in occupied Palestine under Far-Right Israeli Governments, should give a Red Flag to Israel about the Risk of Revenge, a Revenge that could be done against Israel by Palestinians during their fight for Freedom from the harsh Israeli occupation. Even the British got the help from USA to carry out the Revenge in Darzden, so the Revenge against Israel will likely carry out with the help of Palestine’s Allies, yet it's difficult to predict the scope of the revenge.

Bombing of Dresden in World War II - Wikipedia; Fire Bombs Incendiary device - Wikipedia

Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

Researcher in Risks for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and International Trade

Political Risks, Economic Risks, Strategic Risks


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