West Sanctions Against North Korea: Is it Worked?


Published Date: 12 April 2022 at 07:19

12 April 2022 at 07:19. Perhaps the best case that proves that the sanctions tool is not working is the case of the sanctions against North Korea. Since the 1950s, the USA imposed sanctions against North Korea, while since 2006, most of the international community has imposed sanctions against North Korea including the United Nations, yet it has not helped to deter North Korea from continuing with its nuclear program. Importantly, the sanctions not only did not help to stop the nuclear tests by North Korea but they also did not help against North Korea economy that definitely finds the ways how to bypass the sanctions based on the massive investment of North Korea in military projects, infrastructure, science, technology and urbanization, especially during the last decade, resulting in impressive advancement in all the fields of life in North Korea. However, we are in the dark without sufficient information about what is the really the GDP, GNI, Exports, Imports, FDI Inwards, and FDI outwards of North Korea, still, the progress and the massive investment in North Korea tell us that North Korea has significant FDI and International Trade and even has a significant increase in the GDP and GNI much more than the common view of the international community. Bypassing sanctions has become an art via counter-sanctions, however, the international community, especially the West countries are suffered from Thinking Fixation regarding the effectiveness of the sanctions. Thinking Fixation is a dangerous one, especially among leaders, public decision-makers, and military decision-makers because it leads to continuing failure in decision making even without understanding that exists a failure. Hence, first and foremost, the USA, but also other West countries like the EU must accept that the tool of sanctions is a failed strategy by trying to find new strategies and tactics of deterrence. Otherwise, paradoxically, the sanctions will empower those who are under sanctions via creating informal FDI and International trade, while it will weaken the West economies for nothing. Following the facts is the best solution to get out of Thinking Fixation.

North Korea - Dr. Rozen-Bakher’s Academic Blog on FDI and International Trade: Risks vs. Opportunities

North Korea - Nukes Exporter? — Monitoring Risks by Dr. Rozen-Bakher

East-South Asia List — Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher’s Twitter Lists

Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

Researcher in Risks for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and International Trade

Political Risks, Economic Risks, Strategic Risks


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