The Risk of Antagonism Against USA: USA Attitude towards Russian Occupation of Ukraine versus Israeli Occupation of Palestine

Published Date: 14 April 2022 at 07:31

14 April 2022 at 07:31. Perhaps, the best example of the double standards of the USA and President Biden that likely explain the antagonism that has developed against the USA worldwide is the different terminology and approach regarding the Russian occupation of Ukraine compared to the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Thus, let’s look at the facts. First, the Russian army has bigger numbers of casualties compared to Israeli army casualties and even may compare to the Ukrainian casualties because the Russian army used relatively soft army tactics compared to the Israeli army tactics in Gaza. Second, according to the UN, from 2008 until today, the Palestinians have 6,006 deaths and 135,885 injuries, while the Israeli have 262 deaths and 5,872 injuries, which proves the use of harsh army tactics against the Palestinians. However, the Israeli occupation of Palestine has started in 1967, so the UN database has a gap in the numbers from 1967 until 2008, thereby, other figures suggest that only the War casualties of the Palestinians until today are 31,227 Deaths and 63,543 injuries excluding other incidents like demonstrations, incidents involving Israeli settlers, search and arrest operations, and access prevention. Nevertheless, the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians has not started in 1967 but 20 years earlier in 1947, so if we added the Palestinians’ casualties from 1947 until today, then we get a very big number. However, according to the UN (10 April) regarding Ukraine's civilian casualties, Ukraine has 1,793 Deaths and 2,439 injuries, yet keep in mind that some Ukrainian civilians participated in the military resistance against the Russian army, yet the Ukrainian army has 1,300 deaths, while the Russian army has 1,351 deaths and 3,825 injuries, still, in the Ukraine war, we have Politics of Casualties by the USA, so according to the USA, the Russian army has 10,000 casualties, while the Ukraine army has 2,000-4,000 casualties, nonetheless, what is the USA’s Politics of Casualties regarding Israeli-Palestine conflicts? how many casualties Palestinians have according to the USA? Nevertheless, the big lesson from the Politics of Casualties in the Ukraine war is the trying to oust a regime or leader not via the famous coup but via a new oust tactic of genocide, especially if the 'justice' serves as a political actor.

Data on casualties | United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs - occupied Palestinian territory (

Palestinian casualties of war - Wikipedia

Ukraine: civilian casualty update 10 April 2022 | OHCHR

Casualties of the Russo-Ukrainian War - Wikipedia

Up to 6,000 Russians may have been killed in Ukraine so far, U.S. official estimates - CBS News

Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

Researcher in Risks for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and International Trade

Political Risks, Economic Risks, Strategic Risks

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