Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher - A Researcher in International Relations and International Business with a Focus on Security and Political Risks & Economic and Strategic Risks Related to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), International Trade and Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As)

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International Criminal Court (ICC)=Biden Court

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18 March 2023 at 07:41. Should we call the International Criminal Court (ICC), Biden Court? Based on my analysis, YES. Sometimes, it’s better to start with questions, so here are several questions to think about, still, I will suggest some answers:

Why USA is not a party to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC)? Because likely ICC will get claims against the USA about War Crimes, Genocide, Crimes against Humanity from countries that had wars and conflicts and with the USA.

Why ICC choose to issue a detention arrest against Putin due to War Crimes because of the ‘Forcible Deportation of Ukrainian Children’ and not because of bombing civilian infrastructure or killing civilian people or even killing children during the Russian invasion of Ukraine? The answer is simple - Israel. Israel is above the law of the ICC because of the Patron USA. If ICC chose to issue an arrest warrant against Putin due to War Crimes because of bombing civilian infrastructure or killing civilian people or even killing children during the Russian invasion of Ukraine, then immediately other countries would ask, then why also not against Israel because Israel regularly bombed the Palestinian civilian infrastructure, killing Palestinian civilian people and countless times killing also Palestinian children during the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Still, What Israel did not do yet? She did not make ‘Forcible’ of Deportation of Palestinian Children’ from war zones, so ‘Biden Court’ was needed to find ‘something’ that will not complicate Israel with War Crimes, then the ‘creative solution’ of ‘Biden Court’ was the ‘Forcible Deportation of Ukrainian Children’. Besides, if ICC chose to issue a detention arrest against Putin due to War Crimes because of killing civilian people, then likely it will also complicate the USA with war crimes.

Is it a bad idea that Russia deported Ukrainian children from war zones? From my point of view, it’s MUST and even an ethical decision and absolutely not a war crime to move out children from war zones because otherwise the children are likely injured or even killed during the fighting. Taking out children from war zones should be the norm. After that, the country that does it should be responsible for uniting the children with their parents or relatives or even returning them to their motherland. Deporting children it’s much better than what we saw happening to the Palestinian children when Israel bombed Gaza.

Is the International Criminal Court (ICC) has the legitimacy to continue to operate? From my point of view, NO. ICC became a political tool of the USA and its allies against Russia. It’s very difficult to see any ‘Justice’ in the last decision of the ICC against Putin. Besides, important countries like the USA are not party to the Rome Statute of ICC, so what is the meaning of an International Criminal Court that a country can choose if others will bring the country to justice. We need an International Criminal Court that acts upon Justice without political interests, and importantly, without the need of a country to decide if the international community can bring the country to justice. Otherwise, it will be better that ICC will close their gates.

Russia's war on Ukraine latest: Biden says Putin war crime charges justified (yahoo.com)

Rome Statute - Wikipedia

Russia has committed war crimes in Ukraine. The US should not hold back evidence for the prosecution. (msn.com)

Kamala Harris: US declares Russia has committed crimes against humanity in Ukraine | CNN Politics