Stronger Defence of NATO?: ‘Stronger Defence Propaganda’

Published Date: 25 March 2022 at 10:39

25 March 2022 at 10:39. Looking in-depth at the numbers of the deployment of NATO troops on the East Border of NATO, revealed the ridiculous % of NATO troops in relation to the Personnel Military of each country (active and reserve). When I was seventeen, I volunteered to serve in the civil guard of my city in Israel, a city that has around 40K people, yet we had at that time more than 900 volunteers in the city's civil guard. Thus, what is the meaning in terms of army defence if NATO added an average of 5% NATO troops of the local army? It seems that someone in NATO missed the point of the objective of a military alliance. A Military alliance is not supposed to add 5%-10% military force to the military active and reserve force of a member country but to give a mass deployment in case of an attack against one of the members of the alliance. However, the Ukraine war is characterised with unprecedented propaganda from both sides including 'propaganda acts' like the ridiculous deployment of NATO. At the end of the day, propaganda never wins a war but the real outcome on the battlefields, so we need to look more at the hard facts and less on assessments (propaganda) that fill the news headlines in an unprecedented way during these days.

Member states of NATO - Wikipedia

Note, Keep in mind that the table from Wikipedia presents some countries without reserve like Poland, so the % of NATO troops in relation to the total military personnel of the national army is supposed to be lower if we take into account the military reserve.

Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher

Researcher in Risks for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and International Trade

Political Risks, Economic Risks, Strategic Risks

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