North Korea - Nukes Exporter?
Published Date: 05 February 2022
Monitoring Risks by Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher
Analysing in-Depth Security & Political Risks and Economic & Strategic Risks
Monitoring Risks
Dr. Ziva Rozen-Bakher
A Researcher in International Relations and International Business with a Focus on Security and Political Risks & Economic and Strategic Risks Related to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), International Trade and Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As)
North Korea - Nukes Exporter?, 5 February 2022
Nuclear weapon - Wikipedia; North Korea - Wikipedia; North Korea and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia
The advanced capabilities of North Korea regarding space, long-range missiles, and nuclear weapons evolve North Korea as a significant global Nuke player with the ability to carry out long-range nukes, yet without any real inspection about North Korea nuclear program by the international community, and importantly, without any control if North Korea exports its nuclear weapons, and to whom as a final product-nukes ready to use or as a nuclear technology for producing nukes, both to formal country actors and to non-formal country actors.
This situation increases the global security risk, so several important questions arise:
Has North Korea become an exporter of nuclear weapons?
Is North Korea exports nukes ready to use?
Is North Korea exports nuclear technology for producing nukes?
Is North Korea exports nuclear weapons to formal country actors that have no ability to produce nukes or do they have restrictions to produce nukes?
Is North Korea exports nuclear weapons to non-formal country actors, such as resistance groups or terror groups?
Is it possible to reverse the course of the nuclear program of North Korea via sanctions?
Is it possible to monitor and control the export of nuclear weapons by North Korea?
Is it possible to control to whom North Korea exports long-range missiles or nuclear weapons?
Why North Korea has not joined yet the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), despite the close relations with China?
Is exclusive North Korea from Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) allows creating a situation that SCO is a ‘clean military and economic alliance’, while North Korea could act freely without any restriction or control by any alliance?
Is North Korea acting independently regarding the development and tests of its long-range missiles and nuclear program without the need to get approval from its patron China?
Is North Korea acting independently regarding the export of its long-range missiles and nuclear weapons without the need to get approval from its patron China?
Is the fast losing weight of North Korea leader Kim Jong Un signal that he has a big health problem that could trigger ‘heir conflict’ in a country with nuclear capabilities, or the opposite, is it signal that North Korea leader is under ‘Obesity Control Program’ to minimize health problems in order to achieve long-term leadership?
Is it possible to restrict nuclear programs in some countries, while other countries allow running nuclear programs in terms of ‘Why only us and not also you’?
Is the solution to disarm nuclear weapons is via the Nuclear weapons convention under the assumption that using advanced nukes may destroy the livelihood on Earth?